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Lugard is the capital city of Murandy. Most residents will say that they are "Lugarders" first and "Murandians" second, if asked. Lugard is located on the River Reisendrelle where it joins the River Storn in the heart of Murandy. Lugard is a dirty city, dusty and noisy, the surrounding walls long since crumbled. Many of its broad roads are unpaved. It is one of few cities in the world which has more inns and stables than residences and shops.
Lugard is the capital city of Murandy. Most residents will say that they are "Lugarders" first and "Murandians" second, if asked. Lugard is located on the River Reisendrelle where it joins the River Storn in the heart of Murandy. Lugard is a dirty city, dusty and noisy, the surrounding walls long since crumbled. Many of its broad roads are unpaved. It is one of few cities in the world which has more inns and stables than residences and shops.
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Murandy (pronounced: MEW-ran-dee) is a small nation located in hilly countryside with much larger neighbors on three sides. It has a history of border disputes with its larger neighbor to the north, Andor. The various bands of outlaws headed by a handful of leaders finally usurped the monarchy. These leaders have been termed "robber barons" by outsiders, simply the Barons within the organizations. Now the Barons rule trade and the majority of Murandy via figurehead nobles.
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