Arad Doman

The Domani are known world over for their shrewd, often seductive, merchant class. Domani women have raised the practice of seduction to an art. It is said that mothers begin teaching their daughters this business at an early age. Most merchants are women, and few men can best them in a bargaining session. Most men, however, consider losing to be worth the experience. Despite their notoriety in seduction and busines, Arad Doman and its people suffered significant hardships leading up to Tarmon Gai'don and as the new age began.

The initial Seanchan invasion which landed in Falme, spread up and down the western coast and threatened the Domani borders, eventually halted by the Dragon's Peace. For a brief time, the nation flourished under its new King, Rodel Ituralde.

Then, in 23 FA, the Seanchan invaded again from the Aryth Ocean and Arad Doman was overrun. Lives were lost, cities were destroyed, and their cherished Terhana Library was burned. Some of the knowledge within was saved and moved later to Rhuidean, but much was lost to the great bereavement of Domani and the greater Westlands alike.

For the remainder of his reign Ituralde and the Council focused on rebuilding and strengthening their country. While Arad Doman may not be the strongest or wealthiest nation of the Dragon Pact, they have managed to keep their culture intact and unite their people after their tumultuous recent history and continue to bargain their way to a better future.


Arad Doman is located in the northwest of the Westlands, lying between the Mountains of Mist and the Aryth Ocean. Its capital and principal city is Bandar Eban, located at the mouth of the River Dhagon. Its second-largest city is Katar, near Lake Somal. Unlike in the previous age, Katar is firmly tied to Bandar Eban and Arad Doman as a whole via a newly established trade route bringing raw goods from the Mountains of Mist.

Bandar Eban Though much of the city was burned during the Seanchan wars, Bandar Eban was rebuilt much the same as it had been before it’s hardships. Massive gates penetrate the city walls and open up to streets of packed earth, with wooden boardwalks at the sides. The buildings are tall and square, shaped like boxes stacked atop one another. Rows of square wooden houses fill the city, rolling down a gentle incline to the massive port, the widest part of the city. Banners are hung above, and from every building, some used as business signs, family names, or location names. The wealthy part of the city is located on the heights in the east. The King’s Palace sits here, as well as the homes of the Council of Merchants.

Katar Katar is a city on the northeastern edge of Paedish Swar, the Darkwood to the east of Almoth Plain. It is a trading center for numerous mines and smaller settlements in the Mountains of Mist, which makes it quite rich. Rodel Ituralde brought the city to heel and forced its rulers to acknowledge the authority of Arad Doman shortly before he began his campaign against the Seanchan on Almoth Plain when the Hailene first came, which he reinforced during his reign as King.


Arad Doman is ruled by a constitutional monarchy. The King is elected by the Council of Merchants, never inherited. The Council of Merchants is a powerful and influential political body in Arad Doman, formed by the heads of the great Merchant Houses from the Merchants' Guild, almost always women. The focus of the Council is to secure wealth for Arad Doman through trade. When electing the Domani King from the noble class, there must be at least eight members assembled to order a new vote for monarch. The Council also has the power to depose the King by a three-quarters majority. 

Before Tarmon Gaidon, the Council was the true power of governance while the King was merely a figurehead. Rodel Ituralde changed that during his reign. He forged equal standing and responsibilities for the Throne and the Council, establishing a power balance that remains today and was instrumental in drafting the Domani Constitution, which continues to be upheld to date.

Domestic Affairs

The power balance between the monarchy and the Council, both bound by the newly drafted constitution, has strengthened the nation and the economy of Arad Doman. The Domani people are proud of their country and all classes work toward further reconstruction. 

King Ituralde tied Katar firmly to the whole of Arad Doman and the Council of Merchants put the richness of its trade to use in rebuilding the nation and reestablishing dominance in trade with the Atha’an Miere.

There are talks of reestablishing a library, though it is widely accepted that it could never replace what they lost when the Terhana burned.

International Relations

Arad Doman retains strong ties with Illian, the Atha’an Miere and, after the Seanchan War, the Tai’Seanchan. 

During the war, the Tai’Seanchan forces helped purge Arad Doman of the enemy forces and lent aid in the years of reconstruction afterward. As an act of gratitude, the Council of Merchants mediated a bargain between themselves, the Tai’Seanchan, and the Atha’an Miere.

The Tai’Seanchan would relinquish control over the Sea Folk Isles they had conquered during their first invasion of the Westlands and afford all Windfinders the same “rights” as other non-native channelers  in their lands. Any and all damane who wished to leave would be allowed to do so, and no future marath’damane would be taken from them.

The Atha’an Miere would sign the Dragon Compact, thus ensuring no wars between them and any of the nations in the Westlands. They would also open much needed trade to Tai’Seanchan.

The Domani would also trade with Tai’Seanchan, including, exclusively, their famed razors.

Arad Doman is also on good terms with Manetheren as they trade for ore and other goods brought down from the Mountains of Mist, though to a significantly lesser degree than Andor enjoys.




This is not an exhaustive list, feel free to apply for something not detailed to be considered by the Admins.

You may apply for any of the Adoptable or Restricted ranks, but only superior applications will be considered and must pass through Admins before being accepted.

King of Arad Doman
Merchant Councilor