
Tear in the Fourth Age remains a stalwart national power, having entered the era in a position of strength following their new monarch, King Darlin Sisnera. Despite the chaos of the age's early years, Tear has weathered the storms and emerged stronger for them, though class divisions that were already fault lines during the time of the Dragon Reborn have only become more stark.


Tear is the capital as well as the center of Tairen cultural life, Tear is a port city built at the mouth of the River Erinin. Despite the increase in Gateway based trade, it remains a prosperous hub for river and ocean trade as a result of its location. It is also home to the Stone of Tear, a fortress that has fallen only once in its history, and that time to the Dragon Reborn. The Stone is home to the throne of Tear, as well as the meeting place for the Council of High Lords.

Godan is another Tairen port city, and while less prosperous is becoming increasingly important. This is the home of a number of trading companies, and consequently the Commons Council meets here regularly. It is also the location of The Academy of the Enduring Stone, housed in a large compound built specifically for that purpose. At the time it was built on the town’s outskirts, but as the Academy and Godan have grown it has become a second hub of city activity, driving the other half of the local economy along with the port. It has grown in that time, too, complete with classrooms, lecture halls, and dormitories for the students. A significant portion of Godan is now owned by the Academy, or nearly so.


Under the rule of the Dragon Reborn, the ruling High Lords of Tear were replaced with a monarchy under House Sisnera, which continues to rule Tear to this day. The High Lords were reworked into a ruling council that govern alongside the monarch, which has varied between King and Queen since the time of King Darlin. While the King or Queen of Tear wields enormous authority, the Council of Lords as a whole can serve as a bulwark, limiting or directing their whims. In practice, this translates into a relationship that requires careful balance; monarchs able to work well with their Council are typically the strongest, while those that must battle for every concession the weakest.

Domestic Affairs

Tear has reformed significantly in the Fourth Age, most notably in their opinion of channeling. Having had the Dragon Reborn as a ruler for a short time, including several reformations of Tear's laws popular with the common people, channeling has become significantly less stigmatized, and is no longer illegal within its borders.

Class reform was begun at the tail end of the Third Age, but opposition to the notion among the nobility was deeply ingrained into the governmental and cultural makeup of the nation. Some progress in equality under the law has been made, but division in power remains particularly stark. Prestigious merchants and other influential commoners have pushed for the formation of a second council made up of their number to be included in Tear's official government. An unofficial body already exists, known as the Commons Council. This debate is often fierce and tensions around this subject remain high.

International Relations

Tear is strongly tied to other members of the Dragon Compact, serving as one of the body's most influential members. Their weakest ties are likely to Tar Valon, owing to continued distrust of Aes Sedai meddling. For many years, though, their strongest ties were to Caralain and the Black Tower. The fallout of the Tower War damaged these relations somewhat, but Tear remains one of the Asha'man's most stalwart allies.

Their rivalry with Illian, however, remains a defining characteristic of both nations. Despite the Dragon's Peace and the prohibition on outright war, Tairens and Illianers on the whole continue to be unable to stand one another. Peace has been the official rule over the century of the Compact's existence, but individual acts of piracy, banditry, arson, and vandalism are regular enough to attract a number of eyes from Compact watchers.




This is not an exhaustive list, feel free to apply for something not detailed to be considered by the Admins.

You may apply for any of the Adoptable or Restricted ranks, but only superior applications will be considered and must pass through Admins before being accepted.

King/Queen of Tear

Defender of the Stone

House Lord of Tear
Lord of the Land

Commons Councilor
Thief Catcher