Weaving the Pattern


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Often you don’t know whether a woman is friend, enemy or lover until it is too late. Sometimes, she is all three.
Often you don’t know whether a woman is friend, enemy or lover until it is too late. Sometimes, she is all three.
Leonie Merrordren Avatar
Knowledge is Power: Leonie's Plotter
updated Feb 13, 2022 3:24:48 GMT
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Small things were important. Seconds were small things, and if you heaped enough of those on top of one another, they became a man’s life.
Small things were important. Seconds were small things, and if you heaped enough of those on top of one another, they became a man’s life.
Alianora Avatar
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updated Jan 19, 2022 23:30:18 GMT
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created by The Creator It wasn't the beginning, but it is OUR beginning...
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last post created Sept 28, 2020 23:34:02 GMT
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The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills, and we are only the thread of the Pattern.
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