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Two Rivers
The Two Rivers derives its name from the two rivers that mark its boundaries: the Taren River to the north and the White River to the south. It contains the towns of Taren Ferry, Deven Ride, Emond's Field, and Watch Hill, along with many independent farms.
The Two Rivers derives its name from the two rivers that mark its boundaries: the Taren River to the north and the White River to the south. It contains the towns of Taren Ferry, Deven Ride, Emond's Field, and Watch Hill, along with many independent farms.
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created by The Creator It wasn't the beginning, but it is OUR beginning...
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last post created Sept 28, 2020 23:34:02 GMT
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Manetheren is a geographically fortified region in the mid-western portion of the Westlands. It is ruled by a newly founded monarchy, which is balanced by regional councils. The nation maintains strong ties, politically and by blood, with neighboring Andor, and to a lesser degree, Cairhien. Many, especially long established nobility, think of Manetheren as a bit backward, or uncivilized.
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