
Altara, long a land divided between the capital and the countryside, has struggled in the Fourth Age. Their former capital was seized by the Tai’Seanchan in the waning days of the Third Age and their monarch swore to the Crystal Throne, leaving the rest of the nation in a precarious state. Ebou Dar never held much sway with the rest of Altara, however, and the remaining lords, ladies, cities, and towns refused to follow into the arms of the Tai’Seanchan. As a result, they’ve been a scattered, chaotic, and jumbled set of territories, ostensibly a nation outside the confines of the Dragon Compact, but in practice a series of feuding nobles and merchants. Things are beginning to change in Altara, however, with danger and hope growing in equal measure.


The Tai’Seanchan Empire crowds in on Altara from the west and the south, with Manetheren to the north and Illian and Murandy to the east. The River Mantherendrelle cuts through their territory, supplying a precious trade route, but there are few other trade avenues.

So Harbor is one of the largest and most prosperous of Altara's towns. Ruled by House Anan, it serves as a major port for Altarans to send and receive vital goods that keep the people and economy afloat. While it was a small waystop in the Third Age, it absorbed many refugees from the former city of Malden, after it was destroyed during battle with the Shaido.

Salidar was once the seat of the Amyrlin in exile, Egwene al’Vere. It was abandoned just prior to the White Tower’s reunification, but in the early days of the Fourth Age it was resettled and repurposed by Blue and Yellow Sisters who arrived to provide aid. Today, it is officially run by associates and affiliates of the White Tower, providing food, work, and medical attention for those in need, all the while allowing the Aes Sedai to keep a finger on the pulse of Altara.

Remen was a small village in the Third Age, a border town on the River Manetherendrelle with little to its name. That has changed in the Fourth Age. The small noble house that ostensibly ruled in the Third Era, House Nereth, resurfaced early on in the restoration, providing assistance in the distribution of aid to those most in need. And, of course, they were the ones most in need. Through a combination of misappropriation and outright criminal dealings with Lugard, Remen is now a bustling city under the iron grip of House Nereth. It is one of the strongest and most prosperous in the region, a true power center, but the wealth flows primarily in one direction.


Altara’s “government,” as such, is largely nonexistent. There is a loose affiliation of merchants and nobility who claim territory and, occasionally, war with or against each other. One noble family, House Anan, has spent the past 40 years amassing influence, however, and its current head, Lady Cairen Anan, is rumored to be making a play for a crown of her own.

Domestic Affairs

Daily life in Altara is very, very slowly improving from its chaotic early years after Tarmon Gai’don. The combined efforts of the Blue and Yellow Ajahs, as well as some of the nation’s more altruistic leadership, has begun to return some semblance of prosperity to large swathes of the country. People are largely in a better state, though they still lag behind their neighbors in many crucial ways.

Unfortunately, there are many places in Altara where the recovery has been unequal. In some places where aid was meant to bring security to the people of Altara, it has instead been concentrated in the hands of the powerful few. These are largely, but not exclusively, noble houses that are particularly reviled by the common folk. Despite that, their relative wealth ensures that they remain influential and entrenched interests. These places are considered dangerous by Altarans and visitors alike. People disappear far too easily in such places, or so the rumors go.

International Relations

Altara, given its fractured nature and lack of official recognition in the Dragon Compact, has few allies in the outside world. Chief among these have been the White Tower, particularly through the efforts of the Blue and Yellow Ajahs, which helped to stabilize a nation bleeding badly in the beginning of the Fourth Age. They say that one should not accept gifts from the Aes Sedai, but given the limited options available to Altara they had few choices, and this tie has secured the scattered loyalty of the Altaran people. Some even marched to the aid of the White Tower during the Tower War.

Enemies, on the other hand, are plentiful and dangerous. High Blood House Mitsobar, the governors of Altara’s former capital, were promised the entirety of Altara by the Crystal Throne. Though they were denied the spoils by the Dragon’s Peace, they’ve not forgotten their errant citizens and have spent years attempting to subvert the remnants of Altara through subtlety or deniable force. Neighboring Murandy, home to criminals intent on expanding their own empires, also look at Altara as a prize to be won. As a result, Altarans tend toward suspicion, and remain quick to turn to violence if necessary.




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