The Lord Captain Commander

In the traditional hierarchy of the Children of the Light, the Lord Captain Commander is the final authority. Selected by a majority of the Council of the Anointed, they possess supreme authority over the actions of all Children of the Light. In practice, they tend to most directly oversee the Arm of the Light, and are traditionally raised from their ranks as well. They sit at the head of the Council of the Anointed in the Hall of the Light, and maintain their own offices and quarters inside the Fortress of the Light.

The First of Mayene

Since 20 FA, the Lord Captain Commander has also held the title First of Mayene, ruler of the city-state of Mayene. The First of Mayene has domestic and foreign control over the nation, with economic guidance provided by the Council of Seconds. Though these two titles have been linked for nearly one hundred years, there is a chance that the current power vacuum will see them sundered.

Current Lord Captain Commander

Open Position

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Previous Lord Captain Commanders

112 FA – Present

Open Position!

56 FA – 112 FA

Geoff Bornhald

19 FA – 56 FA

Dain Bornhald

1000 NE – 19 FA

Galadedrid Damodred