Current Events

The Fire Legion is responsible for the recruitment of new Asha'man into the Black Tower's ranks, as well as the hunting of rogue channelers. Both are vital functions of the Westlands as well as the Black Tower, and both suffered due to the damage inflicted upon the Legion during the Tower War. They have only recently regained their footing, having ceded their recruiting efforts to the other Legions for a period of time while they rebuilt their internal hierarchy and trained new Legion members. The new leadership is largely new, but driven, and have created recruiting posts in most major cities, as well as enabled more experience members time to hunt rogues and recruit in more remote areas.

The Legion continues to have some ties to an ambivalent Red Ajah, with some bonded pairs remaining from before the Tower War, as well as a number of back-channels from more reasonable Red Ajah members. Rehabilitating the relationship and restoring official ties is an important long term goal for the Legion as well as the Black Tower, in an effort to regrow their recruiting effort to its previous levels.

In order to test if a man is able to channel saidin, a male channeler must weave fire between themselves and the man being tested, and the latter must concentrate on the flame. The channeler will feel resonance if the man can learn to channel. This is true regardless of the relative skill with Fire between either party. It is, in fact, likely that any element could work, but Fire is the most traditional and the most practical.

Captain General


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